How the Art of Confidence Project Shows Black Kids They are Beautiful
February 15, 2023

Jennifer Hudson is putting the spotlight on an artist who uses his photography skills to raise kids’ spirits and self-confidence.
Jermaine Horton is a Chicago-based event and portrait photographer and the founder of the Art of Confidence Project, a nonprofit and artistic effort designed to help build confidence, self-esteem, and empowerment for kids through free photo shoots. He often works with children of color who have faced discrimination or have been bullied because of their race, hair, or physical appearance.
“We live in a world where everyone has this picture of what our children should look like, or what people should look like, and I’m just here to show them the beauty of who they are and what they can be,” he told JHud on the February 15 episode of “The Jennifer Hudson Show.”
“Doing something like this, it reminded me of who I was as a child and how I wish I had someone that was there to help me on a mental level,” he said.
Jermaine shares the story of a second-grader named Tink (aka Michael) from Texas who got kicked out of school because of his long hair.
JHud surprised Jermaine with a video of Tink and Macie, 19, sharing their story and thanking Jermaine for showing them how beautiful and special they are.
Jermaine got teary-eyed watching the video, which is expected since he ends up forming strong bonds with the children he photographs. In fact, he said that he was asked to be Tink’s godfather!
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“The Jennifer Hudson Show” airs weekdays. Here’s when to watch in your area.