How Well Do You Know Dinner Party Etiquette? Take Our Quiz!
Lifestyle October 18, 2023

Are you the best dinner party guest ever? Or do you need to brush up on your social skills? Take our etiquette quiz below to find out!
Jennifer Hudson invited etiquette coach and best-selling author Myka Meier to “The Jennifer Hudson Show” to share the basics of being a respectful guest in someone’s home.
“Etiquette is just about being kind and respectful of other people,” she told Jennifer on the show.
Myka walked JHud through several moments of a dinner party and quizzed her and the audience to see if they knew the proper way to show consideration to their host.
See how your etiquette knowledge stacks up!
You’re invited to a dinner party that starts at 7 p.m. When do you arrive: 6:50, 7, or 7:10?
When should you arrive to a 7 p.m. dinner party?
You don’t want to arrive too early since the host might still be putting final touches on the party. Myka recommends showing up anytime between 7 and 7:10. (Showing up more than 10 minutes after the start of the party isn’t respectful either, so forget about being “fashionably late.”)
The host has told you that you don’t need to bring anything. Do you still bring something?
Do you bring something if the host tells you not to?
Myka says no matter what the host says, don’t show up empty-handed! A dessert or bottle of wine works.
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What is the most respectful way to pick up an appetizer?
How do you pick up an appetizer?
Myka says you should put the food on a napkin or small plate by using toothpicks and then take a bite from there. And only take one piece at a time. If no toothpicks are offered, you can use your hands, but put it on a small plate or napkin first.
How do you let your host know that you’ve finished your meal?
How do you let your host know that you’re finished eating?
According to Myka, when you’re done eating, put your fork and knife face down at 5 o’clock on your plate. Don’t put your napkin on top of your food — you don’t want to create more work for your host by making their napkins soggier than they need to be.
For more etiquette advice, visit @mykameier on Instagram.
“The Jennifer Hudson Show” airs weekdays. Here’s when to watch in your area.