Charlie Wilson
Monday, July 08, 2024

Charlie Wilson promotes his new single “Superman.”
Jennifer welcomes community activist Devine Carama from Lexington, Kentucky, who is a motivational speaker and runs the nonprofit ONE Lexington. The nonprofit group helps address and prevent crime among youth in Devine’s community. Devine recently went viral for teaching his mentoring class of young boys about emotional intelligence and says he sees himself in many of the young kids and families he helps. He was once a struggling single father and now uses his experience to mentor kids and young adults.
Episode Clip 1 of 5
January 26, 2024
Jennifer Hudson Is Brought to Tears as Cancer Survivor Praises Her for Being a Great Role Model
Jennifer welcomes cancer survivor Phyllis and her daughter Imanni to the couch. The mother shares how her daughter has been an incredible support throughout her health battles and tells JHud she’s a great role model. Then the host surprises the music fans with tickets to the 66th Grammy Awards!