Jon Cryer & Abigail Spencer
Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Jon Cryer and Abigail Spencer promote “Extended Family.”
Jennifer welcomes viral professional figure skaters Mariyah Gerber and Peter Gerber from Phoenix, Arizona, who met while performing for Disney on Ice in 2015. When the pandemic hit, they decided to do their routines at home and share the videos online, which have garnered millions of views.
Jennifer welcomes Robyn Roberts from Las Vegas, Nevada, who has made headlines for graduating from college at age 63 while working as a truck driver and driving across the country. Most of her studies and schoolwork were done from inside the bed of her semi-truck. Obtaining her bachelor’s degree was a big accomplishment for Robyn, as she once struggled with addiction and homelessness and never thought it was possible. She plans to attend law school next year and hopes to inspire others.
Episode Clip 1 of 4
March 01, 2024
Jennifer Hudson Surprise FaceTimes a Fan in Tennessee | Happy Place in Your Face
Jennifer Hudson takes to FaceTime for another edition of “Happy Place in Your Face.” This time the host surprises Latanya, a fan of the show from Memphis, Tennessee.