Cedric The Entertainer
Thursday, October 05, 2023

Jennifer chats with comedian Cedric The Entertainer, talking about his debut novel “Flipping Boxcars” and his latest venture launching barbeque label AC Barbeque with fellow comedian, Anthony Anderson.
Jennifer also welcomes “American Ninja Warrior” winner Vance Walker, who was born with cerebral palsy and recently became the third contestant to win the series.
Episode Clip 1 of 5
September 29, 2023
Jennifer Hudson Surprises Fan with a Ride to the Studio | ‘Knock Star’
KTTV host and “Extra” correspondent Melvin Roberts teams up with Jennifer Hudson to give Los Angeles fan Nicole Stewart a chance to win $250 in the latest edition of “Knock Star.” JHud invites Nicole to the studio for a chance to win some bonus prizes!