Tasha Cobbs Leonard, Mario
Friday, January 17, 2025

Two-time Grammy Award-winning gospel artist Tasha Cobbs Leonard drops by to talk about her latest book Do It Anyway Devotional: 60 Days to a Bolder Faith.
R&B sensation Mario will chat about being on tour with Mary J. Blige and his album “Glad You Came.” Plus, he will perform a medley of “Keep Going” and “Let Me Love You.”
Episode Clip 1 of 4
January 14, 2025
Tasha Cobbs Leonard Freestyles in Jazz, Country, and Gospel & Reveals Her Rap Name
Tasha Cobbs Leonard visits “The Jennifer Hudson Show” and unveils her hilarious rap name! Watch as Tasha takes on JHud’s challenge to freestyle rap and sing across genres like jazz, country, and gospel. Plus, see the unforgettable moment when JHud joins in on the fun!